Healio releases special report on Medical Cannabis

Strives to provide clinicians with insights on cannabis use among patients

July 2, 2024

Thorofare, NJ — Healio announced today the release of a new resource for health care providers looking to inform their patients on the use of medical cannabis.

Medical Cannabis: A Healio Guide for Clinicians provides the latest evidence and expert insight regarding the use of cannabis for several of the most common indications: pain, sleep, anxiety, depression and seizure disorders.

“The popularity of medical cannabis is growing, and providers need to be knowledgeable about the evidence supporting its use for a variety of conditions,” said John C. Schoen, MA, Editorial Director at Healio. “This special report offers easy-to-access information — including the latest clinical trial data — that clinicians can use to guide their patients to the right decision.”

Key highlights of the report include:
• Common reasons patients use cannabis medicinally
• Health benefits of cannabis based on current evidence
• Expert insight and important considerations for physicians

Kari L. Franson, PharmD, PhD, BCPP, contributed to the report. Franson is senior associate dean for academic and student affairs and professor of clinical pharmacy at the University of Southern California Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

You can download this Healio Special Report at Healio.com/Cannabis.


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